At the risk of sounding like the hippie I probably am, this post was what the universe knew I needed to read right now.
(It's close to midnight and I am sitting in San Francisco's Alamo Square. The "Full House" house, along with the other Victorians that symbolize our fair city, is across the street. This is the best time to socially distance. Everyone else is fast asleep!)
I'm clearly obstinate, so you helpfully repeated the key lesson many times. Even I noticed. Write first, do the other stuff second. Edit after you write, then do the other stuff third. Market your work, then do the other stuff fourth. And don't sweat headlines, use what works. Do that first.
I've been struggling with the publish button. At least twenty articles sit in Word windows on my desktop. Finally, I feel ready to get after it. I just wanted to say thank you for getting me to this point. I appreciate your work.