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Los Alamos Fires Nuke Wonks Who Lack Jabs
Weapons experts must jab or leave.
One of the finer ranches in Los Alamos transformed into something far more sublime in 1917.
It became the Los Alamos Ranch School, where effete but wealthy East Coast boys became men.
A quarter-century later, its remote location and an assortment of buildings made it perfect for a super-secret group at work on another, more encompassing sort of transformation.
That group was the Manhattan Project.
Los Alamos, once known as Atomic City, was top secret.
It’s back in the headlines today because of a third transformation — the COVID-19 virus.
Our nuclear warriors do not want to take a jab.
Intelligent folks who may need a new job.
These scientists, Everest-level secret clearances, will lose their jobs if they refuse a jab.
Those soon to be looking for new work also include nuclear engineers, project managers, and research technicians.
A total of 114 people protested the mandates enforced by Triad National Security LLC, the company that administers the New Mexico labs for the Department of Energy.