Member-only story
Blue Thebes
A sacred band of warriors who defeated Sparta
Let us now sing praises to the sons of Thebes!
Bound by love yet free of fear,
these brothers of Dionysus and Heracles
took vows at the grave of Iolaus, then took the measure of Sparta.
Led by a follower of Pythagoras,
Fortuna blessed them on the fields of Leuctra.
From the left was how the Hoplites fell to Epaminondas.
Sparta lost a king.
Thebes created cities of the free.
They made a fortress for the helots and reunited Messenia.
Phillip wept after victory when on the ground their bodies he did see.
Thebes would soon fade as all things do.
Ahh, but while they were yet here,
a sacred band of brothers, brave and few.
Did mighty deeds which still shine clear and true.