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7 Ways You May Command More Respect
It’s not all about you, but if you are prepared, it could include you.
First impressions make lasting impressions only if you flop from the start.
If you can manage to at least show up on the dashboard of the other person, you can preserve your chance to manifest a result you can accept.
Remember, though, that “a chance” is different from a sure thing. With that in mind, here are some ideas that might make a difference for you.
Your look
- Upgrade your thin-slice
A thin slice is another name for the socially required shallow judgment we make in the initial moments of a potential connection between two people who do not yet know one another. - You may think this area is amenable only to luck. You may be wrong. You may not be Ryan Gosling or Jennifer Lopez, but you do have a lever to affect events — your wardrobe.
Use these two techniques when you consider what to wear.
1. Dress one level nicer than the situation calls for.
That will earn you positive notice.
2. Focus most of your attention on finding a brand that fits and flatters your body type instead of going for only the most expensive item.